Exciting new products coming in 2024!

Dec 29, 2023
Exciting new products coming in 2024! picture

Good afternoon!

With Christmas behind us an 2023 almost over, we would like to thank everyone for their loyal support during a trying and difficult year. It's hard to imagine that we're still babies in the sublimation realm as we've been in the game for less than a year. When we look back at the year that has past, we are so greatful to God for His grace and all the opportunities that He has brought into our path. 

We are very excited to announce that we will be adding exciting new products to ou line-up throughout the next few weeks and months as we explore new avenues. We recently purchased two new machines to add compliment to our existing range. Keep your eyes peeled on our website, Facebook page and other media!

Lastly we would like to take this opportunity wish you and your family a prosperous 2024


Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Prov 16:3 

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